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Take a look at our calendar of events for something happening near you.
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Here you can find the latest happenings, mentions, and news articles about the Washington Fallen Heroes Project.
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Click here to see photos from some of various events, parades, and Banners dedicated to the Fallen.
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Don't forget to visit the Illuminating Courage Memorial. This Memorial, built by donations and volunteers, proudly stands just outside the Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena.
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If you're up for a challenge and want that challenge to have meaning, purpose, and go to a great cause, visit our friends at March For The Fallen
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Gold Star Families Served
Gold Star families are often forgotten, but not by us!
Fallen Heroes Honored
The number of banners created to honor the Fallen Heroes from our area.
From Parades to Fundraisers, WAFHP works tirelessly to support requests for banners, attendance, and other activities.
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Would you like to know how you can help?